If John McCain Cannot Reverse Course (Finally) HE MUST GO!

Serving this country, and suffering as a pisoner of war does not give anyone a lifetime pass to make grievous mistakes and see these unchecked and unpunished. I could not support McCain in 2008, in part, because of his role in the Keating 5 scandal back in the 1980s. Now he continues bungling, and bungling atrociously to the detriment of all Americans, particularly our youth who will pay trillions for his mistakes and for those of Democrats in league with Barack Obama. What economic interests (whether for profit or connected to not-fo-profit activities) does Senator McCain have that are connected in any way to Qatari entities? How can McCain provide cover for Huma Abedin, for HIllary Clinton, and for Teneo? How closely has Trey Gowdy investigated these connections? American foreign policy should not be a "get-rich-quick" scheme for connected politicians and cronies!
